Showing posts with label langford field sketches award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label langford field sketches award. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

Langford Field Sketches Award 2013

Quest'anno durante la mostra annuale della Society of Willdife Artists ho vinto il "Langford Field Sketches Award 2013" premio che viene assegnato ai migliori schizzi e taccuini di campo. La fortuna ha voluto che vincessi questo premio durante il 50° anniversario della Society quindi in concomitanza di un evento particolare che ha richiamato centinaia di persone anche per la presenza di Sir David Attenborough come ospite straordinario. Ed ho avuto quindi l'onore di esser premiato dallo stesso David Attenborough.(Il video qui)
About the Award: The Award is given to any artist of any age who shows a fundamental understanding of the subject through their work in the field. The subject has to be of wildlife but this could encompass back garden nature just as much as exotic expedition work. The judges are looking for a body of work that captures the essence of the subject which has been drawn from life. We are not looking for studio work.
From the Blog "Making a Mark" of Katherine Tyrrell: "Artists were repeatedly commenting on how very impressed they were with Federico's work. His observation is impeccable and his draughtsmanship is exquisite - incredibly simple and very powerful. He's also a delightful chap to talk to! "