Thursday, January 30, 2025

Red-backed Shrike Watercolor

 Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Watercolor on paper 52x34 cm.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Calendar 2025 and the Whitethroat

April is the month of migration and there are few places like the small islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea to understand the magnificence of this phenomenon. Thousands and thousands of birds arrive here from Africa, exhausted from crossing first the desert and then the sea. The call of the islands is irresistible, for them it is a fundamental landing place to feed and rest before continuing the journey, for me it is the opportunity to enjoy an extraordinary spectacle. I am in Ventotene, one of the Pontine Islands. Among the dozens of species that pass through, this time my gaze is captured by a whitethroat, a small passerine that moves agilely among the flowers of a tree mallow. It searches for small insects at the base of the leaves.

The warm gray head appears large thanks to a sort of hidden crest, the eye is amber and surrounded by a white ring. The throat is white. On the back the broad red-brown margins of the dark wing feathers stand out… if I look in the field box it seems that I have guessed the entire selection of my watercolours: sienna and burnt umber, sepia brown, van dyck brown. Except for the white. That is a gift of the paper if you have the patience and the foresight not to cover it with colour. The whole scene attracts me. Those who know me know that I am not a fan of flowers, too bold and showy, they distance me from my beloved neutral colours. Yet the sight of that common whitethroat among the mallow intoxicated me and I gave in. I found in my palette the permanent pink, the manganese purple, the ultramarine violet, colours too long forgotten and I devoted myself to them, to the flowers, with patience, glaze after glaze to find the right colour. I made them protagonists, I searched with them for a balance of shapes and the right connection between the whitethroat and the mallow.

She is there in the posture I love the most, she glances at me quickly ready to resume her migration. April is her month and the month of all those species for which the world has no borders but only migratory routes and hospitable environments. Happy 2025!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Wildlife Art Calendar 2025


Il nuovo Calendario 2025 è arrivato! Disponibile in due versioni: da tavolo e da muro.
Chi fosse interessato può richiederlo a:
Calendario da muro: 16,50 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.
Calendario da tavolo: 12 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.
Dettagli: Calendario da muro: stampato in 250 copie, formato: 21,5x30,2 cm (43x30,2 cm aperto), carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.
Calendario da tavolo: Stampato in 250 copie, formato: 21x14,8 cm, carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.

The new Wildlife Art Calendar 2023 is now ready. Printed in limited edition is available in two different format: classic desk calendar and wall calendar.
Email to order:
Wall Calendar: 16,50 euros+postage, PayPal accepted.
Desk Calendar: 12 euros+postage, PayPal accepted.
Details: Wall Calendar: printed in 250 copies, Size: 21,5x30,2 cm (43x30,2 cm open), matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding.
Desk Calendar: Printed in 250 copies Size: 21x14,8 cm, matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Common Whitethroat watercolour

Common whitethroat among the flowers of a tree mallow, Ventotene Island.
Watercolour on Arches paper 48x32 cm.
Sterpazzola tra i fiori di un malvone maggiore, Ventotene.
Acquerello su carta Arches 48x32 cm.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Asp Viper sketches


Vipera comune (Vipera aspis francisciredi) 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pintails, teals and white-fronted geese - Watercolor (Birds in Art 2024)


Per il quarto anno consecutivo un mio acquerello è stato selezionato per la rassegna Birds in Art 2024 che prenderà il via a settembre nel Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum of Wausau, USA. Su 660 artisti che hanno inviato le loro opere solo 83 sono stati selezionati e questo mi rende molto orgoglioso.
"Codoni, alzavole e oche lombardelle" - Acquerello su carta Arches 72x52 cm.
For the fourth consecutive year, one of my watercolors has been selected for the Birds in Art 2024 exhibition which will start in September in the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum of Wausau, USA. Out of 660 artists who sent their artwork only 83 were selected and this makes me very proud.
"Pintails, teals and white-fronted geese" - Watercolor on Arches paper 72x52 cm.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Golden Oriole - Watercolour

Eurasian Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus) - Rigogolo
Acquerello su carta Arches 32x42 cm. SOLD

Friday, January 5, 2024

January 2024 - First page of Calendar

Ed ecco il 1 gennaio del nuovo anno 2024. Possiamo sostituire il vecchio calendario con il nuovo e scoprire così la prima pagina. Un gennaio dedicato agli uccelli acquatici che svernano sulle nostre coste: i piovanelli pancianera e i mestoloni. Buon anno a loro e a tutti noi! And here is the first of January of the new year 2024. We can replace the old calendar with the new one and thus discover the first page. A January dedicated to the shorebirds and waterfowls wintering on our coasts: dunlins and shovelers. Happy New Year to them and to all of us!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Wildlife Art Calendar 2024 - Federico Gemma

Il nuovo Calendario 2024 è arrivato! Disponibile sempre in due versioni: da tavolo e da muro.

Chi fosse interessato può richiederlo a:
Calendario da muro: 16,50 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.
Calendario da tavolo: 12 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.
Dettagli: Calendario da muro: stampato in 250 copie, formato: 21,5x30,2 cm (43x30,2 cm aperto), carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.
Calendario da tavolo: Stampato in 250 copie, formato: 21x14,8 cm, carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.

The new Wildlife Art Calendar 2024 is now ready. Printed in limited edition is available in two different format: classic desk calendar and wall calendar.
Wall Calendar: 16,50 euros+Post and packing, PayPal accepted.
Desk Calendar: 12 euros+Postage and packing, PayPal accepted.
Details: Wall Calendar: printed in 250 copies, Size: 21,5x30,2 cm (43x30,2 cm open), matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding.
Desk Calendar: Printed in 250 copies Size: 21x14,8 cm, matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Great Woodpecker watercolour

 Picchio rosso maggiore (Dendrocopos major), acquerello su carta Arches - 36x52 cm 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Birds in Art 2023


Il mio taccuino, realizzato in formato "leporello" è attualmente in esposizione nella prestigiosa rassegna Birds in Art 2023 presso il Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum di Wausau, negli Stati Uniti. E sono Molto contento e onorato di sapere che l’opera è stata acquistata ed entrerà a far parte della collezione permanente del museo, insieme alle opere di altri straordinari artisti specializzati nella rappresentazione degli uccelli.

My sketchbook, created in a "leporello" format, is currently on display at the prestigious Birds in Art 2023 exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, USA. I am very pleased and honored to learn that the artwork has been acquired and will become a part of the museum's permanent collection, alongside the works of other exceptional wildlife artists.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Red Deer, watercolor on paper


Cervo (Cervus elaphus) - Acquerello su carta Arches - 42x35 cm - 2023

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Black-headed sea gulls swimming - watercolour


Gabbiani comuni, Torre Flavia, Lazio - Acquerello su carta Arches 74x54 cm.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Running cow - Watercolour

 Vacca bruna austriaca - Acquerello su carta Arches 54x74 cm.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Sheep and swallows, watercolour

Gregge di pecore e rondini. Acquerello su carta Arches 74x54 cm.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Wildlife Art Calendar 2023

Il nuovo Calendario 2023 è arrivato! Disponibile sempre in due versioni: da tavolo e da muro.
Chi fosse interessato può richiederlo a:

Calendario da muro: 16,50 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.
Calendario da tavolo: 12 euro più spese di spedizione, pagamento tramite Paypal.

Dettagli: Calendario da muro: stampato in 200 copie, formato: 21,6x27,9 cm (43,2x27,9 cm aperto), carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.
Calendario da tavolo: Stampato in 250 copie, formato: 20,4x14 cm, carta patinata opaca da 250 g, 14 pagine (28 facciate compresa la copertina), rilegato con spirale metallica.

The new Wildlife Art Calendar 2023 is now ready. Printed in limited edition is available in two different format: classic desk calendar and wall calendar.
Email to order:

Wall Calendar: 16,50 euros+Post and packing, PayPal accepted.
Desk Calendar: 12 euros+Postage and packing, PayPal accepted.

Details: Wall Calendar: printed in 200 copies, Size: 21,6x27,9 cm (43,2x27,9 cm open), matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding. 
Desk Calendar: Printed in 250 copies Size: 20,4x14 cm, matt coated paper 250 gms, 14 pages, spiral binding

Monday, September 12, 2022

Shorebirds sketches, Wadden Sea, Denmark

 Waders sketches - Myrthue, Wadden Sea, Denmark. Pencil and watercolour 24x32 cm.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Birds in Art 2022

I'm very pleased that this watercolour was selected for next edition of Birds in Art 2022 in the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum of Wausau, USA.

"Caspian Tern and Audouin's Gull" - Watercolour on Saunders Waterford paper 52x34 cm 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Whinchat watercolour sketches


Stiaccini (Saxicola rubetra), campi di Malafede, Roma - Acquerello su carta Montval 30x21 cm

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Litttle Egret watercolour


Garzetta (Egretta garzetta), Laguna di Orbetello - Acquerello 22x30 cm

Friday, February 18, 2022

Brown Bear - Watercolor


Orso Bruno (Ursus arctos) - Acquerello 19x23 cm