
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wildlife Art Calendar 2015

E' pronto il nuovo Calendario 2015. 14 fogli rilegati con spirale 28x40 cm stampato dalla Tipografia Eurosia. Per chi fosse interessato può richiederlo direttamente a me (10 euro + Spese di spedizione - PostePay e PayPal accepted). Email:
The new Calendar 2015 featuring my wildlife art artwork is now ready. Size 28x40 cm (14 pages). Print: Tipografia Eurosia. (10 euros+Post and packing) (PayPal accepted). Please email to order:


  1. Those terns are awesome! Bridled terns? I saw a few of that species in Australia a couple of weeks ago. I'm working on a painting based on the sketches I did there.

  2. Great Måns! Yes they are bridled terns on Cousin Island, Seychelles. Very confident as the fairy and noddy terns. The island was full of these species. Thank you for the comment!

  3. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.


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